Wii Might Have A Winner!

Nintendo, the company that made my childhoods best and well remembered games. From my die hard addiction to Pokemon, to spending countless days playing The Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask, Nintendo was my go to company for all things gaming, sadly, that would not be that case in the future. In the year 2005, Nintendo unveiled the Wii, their successor to Gamecube. The Wii was supposed to change the way we play video games forever, allowing a brand new feel of immersion with its motion sensor control. My immediate reaction to the new console was nothing but pure excitement, but deep down I had a gut feeling that Nintendo was gambling with it’s new control scheme that, I hate to say, felt like a gimmick. Skip to 2012 and it pains me to say that my gut feeling was right, I was not a fan of the Wii whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, the Wii was a massive success in terms of sale, but with no more than a dozen games I can think of that I though were great, subpar graphics, a horribly implemented online system, and a severe lack of third party support , it did not win the heart of this long time Nintendo fan.

First thing that came into my head, Nintend-Nooooooo

Last year during a E3 press conference, Nintendo unveiled their successor to the Wii, the Wii U. Not only did Nintendo decide to keep the motion sensitive controller, it doubled down and decided to add a tablet for good measure.
After watching the video shown above, I was left with a feeling of disappointment. The controller looked uncomfortable, the tablet seemed unnecessary, and the system felt more like an upgraded peripheral. It had seemed like Nintendo was never going to be that company I once loved. This year I had the amazing opportunity attend E3, and one of my first tasks was to get a hands on demo of the Wii U.  Upon arriving to the Nintendo booth, I waited in line to play a demo of Ninja Gaiden 3. When I got the chance to play the game, I’t had seem like all my previous worries were all lifted. To my surprise the controller was comfortable and fit nicely in my hands. The feature that most surprised me was that fact that the tablet actually worked well and did what it was intended to do, enhance the experience. Through’t the booth I got the chance to play other great games like the hilariously titled ZombieU, Batman Arkham City, and, my personal favorite, Pikman 3. The Wii U promises better online support, a better social and multimedia experience, and a bigger and better online support. One important key factor they have also upgraded where the outdated graphics, while not truly next generation, it was now on level, and maybe even slightly better, than the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. Nintendo, the company I loved, then forgot about, seems to be taking a gamble once again, but this time, the gamble seems to be going in their favor for me personally.

Don’t think for a minute that I am making my decision now, there is only one way to decided how the console and it’s promises will live up to the gaming market, and that is when it officially launched. Let’s hope there is a brand new Zelda game soon.

I will keep updating about the Wii U often, so check back soon.

About tehpwnagekev

My name is Kevin. I am a possible hero for the Hyrule Kingdom, gamer, musician, and definitely not a noob. I blog about various subjects and I am not afraid to speak my mind; unless you can read minds, then I will display my cowardice. Follow me onTwitter.com/@PwnageKev343
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